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In just seven days, on October 6th, the new moon will be in Libra. Mars will be fiery at this time, so we will all be looking for a peaceful retreat from any violence or upheaval that may be happening around us. One of the best uses of this time is to set your intentions so that they can grow with the coming full moon. The void of the new moon acts as a rich soil in which you can plant your intentions, like seeds, and tend them until they blossom fully until the power of the full moon. The full moon on October 20th will be in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. This is an excellent time to begin a new phase of life or get moving in a different direction. There is also a lot of creative energy in this full moon, waiting to be reaped. 

In the days approaching the new moon, think about what you want to do, where you want to be, what you want to create. Feel the fire that ignites inside of you when you get excited about it. On the night of the full moon, meditate, pray, or both, and visualize your intentions as little seeds of light. Imagine yourself planting them deep in the new moon. As the days pass, nurture your intentions. Meditate on them, take small actions towards them, talk about them with others. When the full moon arrives, get ready to harvest all you have grown.